Letter to Parents - 1/10/2023

As I was growing up, I was expelled from school at a very young age. I was forced by the STATE OF INDIANA to see a psychiatrist before I would be accepted back into public school.

The first couple of therapists and psychiatrists that I saw truly cared about me and my health. They cared and wanted to see me improve. But sadly, due to a change in insurance, we had to go and see another psych who was anything but wonderful.

I rapidly realized that this shell of a human being that was analyzing my problems was more concerned with profits than my problems. I rapidly learned that ANYTHING I said would be met with more drugs (drugs that I could not escape from because the school nurse would physically watch me take them.)

The drugs I were already on, Adderall and later Dexedrine, made me feel like I was on speed all the time and made me feel crazy. It completely destroyed my appetite and I ate "by the clock" for my entire childhood because hunger was something I no longer felt.

I was originally put on these drugs at age 8 and was on them until age 19.

Due to this, I learned very rapidly with my psychiatrist that if I simply told him I was "doing fine," he would not give me additional drugs.

I went like that for a while then was expelled again from school and the STATE OF INDIANA refused to allow me to go back to public school.

Then my mother, who was a paralegal at the time, sued the STATE OF INDIANA due to the fact that she could not afford a private school for me (being a single mom) and she had nowhere to turn.

In response, the STATE OF INDIANA opened up a special-needs school by taking half of a therapy center and converting it into a school. The school began with me and one other kid named Mitchell.

Mitchell was much older, bigger and stronger than me. And he was there due to incredible anger issues. Due to the fact that he utterly terrified me, I was very quick to make it clear that I was not a threat and that I was (literally) the only social option he had.

As this school grew, many children with anger issues were admitted and I found myself surrounded by people who would probably kill me if I set them off. I became very skilled at being a goofy joker and outwardly showing that I was not a threat.

Eventually I graduated out of that school and went back to public school in a Special Education program.

I was TERRIFICALLY bored by school. I loved the people and the social opportunity, but the work seemed pointless and how it applied into my life made no sense.

I saw teachers that were not anything I ever wanted to aspire to. Teachers that seemed miserable... drowning their sorrows after work and going home to loveless relationships that they somehow felt obligated to be in.

I remember one time, when i was 19 years old and I had just flunked out of college for the second time... my mother was VERY sick. She was dying. I remember coming into the room and talking to her and she was crying and she looked at me with a red face filled with tears and she said "Brandon... how can you be so sane in a world that is so insane?"

It had never dawned on me that I was "inside" that world. It never dawned on me that I had any of these silly "obligations" that everyone seemed so eager to keep but so sad and depressed regarding.

I never felt animosity towards the people around me and I learned to carefully avoid most people because they saw the world through the glasses of some strange self-medicated slavery.

I always felt a sort of empathy and pity for all the adults. They lost themselves at some point and I knew it. I didn't realize what I had known until much later but, even at a young age, there was a certain unconscious certainty that I had about the world. I could never properly explain how I felt so I never bothered trying to explain it.

But now I understand. The schools are the main weapon that was used to usher in control to the federal government. Thanks to a video by my close friend, Joe Lustica, where he looked through the Organic Act of 1871 - "Free school" was the primary weapon that was developed to usher in a school curriculum that is COMPLETELY devoid of any real value or use.

It is a system where worthless pieces of information need to be memorized and "regurgitated" upon command.

It is a world where brilliant young minds are being squashed and the flames of their intelligence are being slowly and quietly put out.

If you have children and those children are having difficulties in school... as MANY parents have reached out to me regarding (and what legally they can do to solve it)... you need to realize something very critical:


Why would any self-respecting PERSON, let alone a child, subject themselves to such a filthy place where you are told you are "dumb" or a "bad person" if you cannot memorize and spit back information that has absolutely ZERO value in the real world?

A world where children come out the other end of it and fall flat on their face. No wonder you see so many 30 year olds still living with their parents.


Why are children so excited about Spring Break? Because they are released from their prison.

Why are children so excited about a snow day? Because they don't need to go to prison that day.

Why are children so excited about Christmas Break? Because they are out of prison for a while.

Should school be something that children run into the streets screaming in glee when they are told they DON'T have to go?

Do you know what ADULTS react that same way to?



I'm sorry to say it but the straight-A student that never gets in trouble in school is COMPLETELY FUCKED. They are guaranteed a life of darkness and lukewarm misery.

I made my mother's life a living hell when I was younger. I was in suspension and detention CONSTANTLY. I believe I had the record of most days of lunch detention, in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension of any child that had EVER gone to that school. And it was quite an old school so that was wildly extreme.

But I could always tell in my mom's eyes that she knew... she knew the whole world was bullshit. But being a single mom and having to provide for me while fielding all the problems I made for at school had her into a frazzled mess. But she knew... I could tell in her eyes that she knew.

Out of sheer desperation, my mother would try her best to get me to shape up... screaming, threats to have me taken away by authorities, etc. Because she was BEYOND overwhelmed and had absolutely no clue how to fix the problem.

I would tell my mother whatever she wanted to hear and I would promise whatever she needed me to promise just to make it end. In my mind it never registered as "lying." In my mind I was applying the same technology that I learned being surrounded by large angry people... "these people are not mentally well or stable and if I can just somehow get through this then we can all just move forward." I instinctually knew that if I began to operate like all these miserable people around me, then I would soon, myself, be miserable.

I was somehow always able to smile and laugh about it all but it's amazing how I was never overwhelmed by it all. I know firsthand how, if you don't let the system crush you then everyone in the world jumps in to MAKE DAMN SURE you are snuffed out, "for your own good."

The saddest part about it... the part that literally makes me weep while I type these words is that they were GENUINELY TRYING TO HELP.

In their mind they truly believed that if I wasn't made to change, then I would grow up to be unsuccessful... or worse.

They truly felt that they needed to do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to make sure that I was set up for success, within the framework of their perception.

Which brings me to my point:

If your children are failing miserably in school, there is a good chance that you have an extremely intelligent child that knows there is something VERY wrong here and is fighting back but he or she CANNOT clearly understand or explain that of which they are fighting; they just fight.

Fighting other students, outbursts, drug use, lying... these are all just weapons that are used against a whole fucking world that appears to be an enemy... a world that will stop at NOTHING to crush them. The sad part is... they are right.

We live in a world where we are on a conveyor belt that snuffs out our existence then only people who have had their flames THOROUGHLY EXTINGUISHED, are now allowed to take the wheel and, FOR FUCKING $40,000 A YEAR, allowed to turn around and snuff the fires out of all the other children.

Now don't get me wrong, there ARE wonderful teachers... but I don't care who you are or where you are, they are few and far between. Maybe 1 in 10 or 20 are truly good. And they survive in a world of political decay where, due to the fact they are actually trying to help, they are ousted, removed or cast aside and ridiculed by their fellow staff.

How did we get here?

We got here from the Organic Act of 1871... when the original true America was replaced with a fake incorporated duplicate.

In the United States Code, the term "United States" is literally defined as a "Federal corporation" in 28 USC 3002 subsection (15)(A)

In the Uniform Commercial Code, section 9-307(h), "United States" is located in the District of Columbia.

We have been conned and the trojan horse that was used to infiltrate our defenses and rob us blind is "FREE" PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

The standard of education has declined... very slowly... very carefully. This has been a quiet, brilliant and surgical application.

Almost no one sees what is right in front of their eyes:

Children unable to make basic income and support themselves.

An explosion of there being more concern over someone being able to chop their dick off rather than actually be able to do something of value with their lives.

Rampant inflation.

A government that is openly taunting their desire for our demise right in front of our faces.

How did we get here?

We got here by ignoring the signs that have always been around us. By JUSTIFING OUR WORLD AND ANYTHING IT PRESENTS TO US.

The Matrix, the movie, is simply an example of what the world becomes when we finally justify it all away, totally and fully. We will justify our existence to a point where we will CEASE to exist.

If your child, right now, is a straight-A student in school, you should be VERY concerned. You should be just as concerned as my mother was for me being expelled twice.

If your child, right now, is struggling... realize that if you took your child under your wing for simply one mother fucking month, THEY WOULD LEARN MORE FROM YOU ABOUT THE BASIC OPERATIONS OF LIFE THAN THEY DID THROUGH ALL OF HIGH SCHOOL AND PROBABLY COLLEGE TOO, COMBINED.

We live in an illusion: fake money, a fake government, fake schools, fake social media, fake friends, fake family obligations on holidays, fake tax returns, fake tits, fake car leases, etc. We live in a world that has been JUSTIFIED.

We are at a point, I fear, that we don't have a lot of runway left to keep justifying everything. If we continue to justify, we are not going to have a country... eventually we won't have a world.

So I beg of you, if you are a parent... realize that you may need to flip your entire existence upside down. If your child has already been extinguished of all life, you need to do something about that fast.

And if your child is still kicking and fighting and still has some fight left, realize that you are the luckiest parent in the world and that you have been truly blessed with a gem that refuses to lay down on the brainwashing table.

They is nothing "good" or "applaudable" about the acceptance and conforming to oblivion.

There is nothing negative or scary about a child fighting back against a system that is FACTUALLY trying to destroy their drive, intelligence, creativity and communicative capacity.

I'm writing this because there are a lot of parents that are out there. You have messaged me. I have given you all a very short version of this write up and now I am finally sitting down and expanding it out to something that tells the whole tale.

I hope it helps to put the concern where it truly should be: the crushed souls that are setting themselves up for a lifetime of pain and lukewarm misery (to the point where they justify it all away and never actually feel it as pain or misery): the straight-A problemless student.


List of Crimes and Financial Penalties - 1/28/2023


Love Letter to Single Moms - 11/9/2022